Association Dues
Please find below 2 methods of paying the Annual Assessment-
1) Check: Please make checks out to Colony Lakes and include your account number in the memo line of the check. Please send payments to:
Colony Lakes
C/o Northwest Property Management
P. O. Box 7678
Carol Stream, IL 60197-7678
2) Debit Card/credit card/echeck: You can pay online at https://www.nwpropertymanagement.com
Click on the Homeowners tab and choose “pay online.”
When prompted, enter your account number and association ID, both of which can be found on the statement.
Please note, there is a convenience fee for this method of payment.
Northwest Property Representative
We have a new REP at Northwest
Jeff Anderson
Community Association Manager – AMS, CMCA
Northwest Property Management
630-402-6558 ext. 329
Parking on Cul-De-Sac Circles is Prohibited
Ways to be a Good Neighbor
Here is a list of some general rules to keeping your property and the neighborhood looking good, and your neighbors happy.
• Keep your house trim/woodwork painted
• Seal, repair, replace your driveway if needed
• Store your garbage cans in the proper area
• Keep your lawn mowed
• Fertilize and control your weeds
• Pick up after your dog (especially in common areas and your neighbors yard)
For more information, refer to the Colony Lakes Homeowners’ by-laws and/or the city of Aurora website available from our Community Info page.
Selling Your Home?
Are you planning on selling your home in Colony Lakes? Remember to request your Paid Assessment Letter. You MUST give the Homeowners Association at least 21 days notice to complete your request.
Pond Usage
Just a reminder that NO ONE in the community is permitted to swim in the ponds, boat on the ponds, or fish on the ice. Fishing is allowed from the shoreline only.
These rules are published in the governing documents that can be found on the Association Documents page. Thank you for your cooperation.
City Permit Approval Changes
It has recently come to the Board’s attention that if you need a City of Aurora permit to do anything to your yard or house, like a fence or shed, they will require you to get approval first by your homeowner’s association. This is a requirement that applies to the entire city of Aurora.
Please keep in mind that you can contact the board at Secretary@colonylakes.org with any questions or concerns.
Think Before You Drain!
Please remember that the storm drains at the curbs lead to our ponds. It is unlawful to let oil, paint, or any other toxic chemicals go into these drains. This will help our community!